Monday 21 March 2011

We are moving!

Stephen and me are packing up the last bits and pieces in our house in U.K to go and live a year (or so) in New Delhi in India.
Stephens’s work takes us all over the place and they have now decided that India would be a great idea.
We went last week to see if I liked it, Stephen has been there a few times before for work and he just wanted to make sure I would be ok!
We spent 4 days looking to find a nice apartment for us to live, it is very difficult to find anything that are up to our standards and not super expensive! I mean, money is everything, if you have it you will be ok! They would do anything if you give them a little bit extra. We looked at about 35 apartments all together, and that is after Stephen looked at a that many again when he was over a few weeks ago.
In the end they kind of got that we didn't want a kitchen thats falling apart (but you don't cook, your maid does!) or a bathroom that I wouldn't even want my dog to have a shower in. In the end we decided on a nice two-bedroom apartment, that has big windows, a little terrace that no one can see you on, a nice new (!) kitchen and two bathrooms. We are happy, but now the negotiations begin. Our estate agent is talking to the owners to see if they are happy with an European couple living there and then if they are happy with what we want to pay for it, being non-indian he will of course charge us far more.
Our apartment, well I say our because I do really hope we'll get it, is situated in an area that is called the Defence Colony, which is about 20 minutes from the heart of Delhi, there are lots of expats ,like us, and a lively area.
I am very excited to move and can't wait for the flight to take off on Wednesday!


  1. Hej Mia!
    Vad roligt att du har börjat blogga! Då kan jag äntligen följa dig, du har känts så långt borta på nåt sätt å det tycker jag inte är kul.
    Men vad ska du hitta på i Indien nu när Stephen ska jobba? De har ju underbara tyger har jag hört! Kanske designen tar fart igen? Eller måleriet, du har målat så fina tavlor tycker jag. Kanske Indien å dess kultur, lukter å färger kan inspirera!?
    Men Mia vad spännande att bo i Indien, å i ett helt år! Vad kul, det hade jag med viljat, men men, jag har ju mitt liv i skåne...
    Lycka nu till å jag ser fram emot nästa inlägg. Hälsa pojken!!
    Många kramar Martina

  2. Hej Tina,
    jo det blir lattare sa har sa man kan lagga upp bilder osv!
    Jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska gora an,har lite planer pa lite allt mojligt sa vi far val se hur det gar!
    tack for kommentaren och hoppas att allt ar bra!
