Friday 29 April 2011

Internet has arrived!

Today it "only" took two guys 4 hours to install our internet and house phone!
so annoying, but it is now done! woho!

So catching up with what we have been up to this week.
Dad left on Monday, so I been busy catching up with our apartment. putting things in their right places and cleaning the kitchen.  We are getting someone in on Sunday to do the proper cleaning but it just needed a good scrub before then.
It took me about 3 hours to empty all our suit cases, we had a bit more clothes, towels and toiletries than I remembered.

Stephen has also been starting to learn Swedish, his accent is so funny, but he is better than I want to admit, as he remembers all the words straight away!

I've been meeting up with Julia 2 quite a lot, she is a really funny girl and we have been out for lunches, pedicures, shopping trips and cocktails! She might be leaving soon tho to get her working visa to stay here longer. I hope she gets it quick!

I also think that we have the best landlords in the world! The other day they invited us down for ice cream, the day after that he comes up and talk to me about coming to see his factory where he makes T-shirt prints etc.  He later popped up and invited me to go swimming with him at one of the biggest hotels in Delhi, The Shangri-La. It was pretty good :) Today I wanted to say thank you for being so nice so I went down with a cake and I came back up with a pizza, she would not have me giving her stuff and not giving me anything in return. We also got a bigger TV today and I got a top from one of his shops.

A funny thing happened to me when I waited for my dad at the airport last week. This woman came up to me and started to chat, as they do here. She asked where I was from and what I was doing here etc. She then started to talk about herself and telling me she worked in Design, she is buying and exporting fabrics, clothes textiles for furniture's etc. She said that she is working all over the world, in the UK she is working with John Lewis and BHS and in America she is working with Wallmart and Levis amongst others.
So after all that she said that it would be nice for me as a young designer to work with her and she would look around and see who could use me. I was very happy, but didn't really believe in all she was saying, so didn't expect anything to happen.  Dad then came out and off we went.
After two days my phone rang and it was this lady, she said she hadn't forgot about me but she had been busy with her friend who she picked up at the airport. She said she would send her email so I could send my CV to her.
After dad left and I still haven't heard a peep, so I called her to ask if she was serious and she said that she had been busy but would send me her e-mail straight away. So I sent off my CV and portfoilo and didn't think she would call me.
3 min went by and my phone rang. It was her and she said that she loved what I had done and she would definitely want us to work together and maybe start something together, so we are having a meeting after I come back from our 2 week holiday which is starting next Friday!
I'm very excited but I do also know it could all change after the meeting. We will see! But I think it is pretty good going getting an offer when you are not even looking!

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