Thursday 5 May 2011


Tomorrow (Friday) we are leaving a very warm India, to go on holiday!
Our flight leaves at 12.50 lunch time from here to the U.K.  At the moment we have used Stephen's points to upgrade me to business class and Stephen is still in Economy expecting to get a free upgrade at the airport due to him having a platinum card with airline.  At the moment there are 7 free seats in Business so he should be ok, but not sure what i will do if they sell the seats and don't upgrade him.  Do I give up my Business class seat and join him in the back or stay up from and sip champagne and cocktails at the bar???

We have a night at home and then flying to Sweden on Saturday until Monday. After that we are back in the U.K. for two days before heading down to the Fuerteventura with Stephens family, where we are celebrating his mums 60'th birthday! We are staying for a week and then heading back to the U.K for a couple more days, where we will have a belated leaving for India drinks.

So wont be writing on the blog for about 10 days when I will write it from our house in U.K.

Today I've been at the gym, apparently I'm 41 years old and obese. The poor trainer didn't know what to say after getting the results from the tests,  Haha.
On the way home in the car the A/C wasn't working so it was about 50 degrees, and I was stuck in traffic for about 1hour 20 minutes! Not to be recommended.  But I must have sweated out some of the fat, no need for a sauna!

Stephen has not yet entered the fitness first after joining! Claiming he is too busy at work...!

I am a bit worried leaving as we now have a pet and it will be the first time we have left her alone for more than a night.  She is called lizzie and she lives behind the aircon unit in our bedroom.  Isn't she cute!!!

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