Sunday 5 June 2011

Strange men following us.

Last night when we went out to celebrate we walked the normal road to the hotel where our favourite restaurant is located. A tuk tuk driver stopped us, as they always do, but we tried to get rid of him saying no, no, no thank you, no that's ok, no we like to walk, no , NO!
We kept walking, and he followed us saying it wasn't safe and that there was a protest on so the roads where blocked in that direction. We didn't really believe him because the road looked fine. But then a local who walked past us said yes there is a protest on and the road is blocked. So we thought maybe he is right and turned to walk the way he said to go. The local kept walking the way we would normally go and he was fine! But never mind.
So we walked the other direction and a guy kept walking behind us, changing streets when we changed etc. The tuk-tuk driver stopped us again and asked if we wanted a lift, we said no, again and kept walking. The man who was following us started chatting to us asking if we were tourists etc. we said we lived here and yes we knew the direction and eventually brushed him off and later we saw that he jumped in the same tuk-tuk that kept creeping up behind us.
We turned a corner and it was all very creepy and not a nice area to walk in. We nearly ran to the hotel but we were fine , the road wasn't closed when we got there and no protest to be seen!
Don't know what was going on there! We read in the papers today that there was suppose to be 1 million people out protesting, but we didn't see any! We had a fantastic meal and took a taxi home!

Our pet Lizzy is also back, we went away for two weeks and she wasn't here when we got back but today she crept up on Stephen and scared him :) Yeay!


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